Terrain: Terrifying roads and then some lovely country paths
So happy, mum found me today at around 11am and we had a lovely and quite emotional hug. We’re now in a hotel in Le Bourget before heading across Paris tomorrow and then finishing up at my old school. So looking forward to it. And, there will be pavement all the way, pure luxury!
It’s funny how you just slip into normal life straight away. Having lunch together, it felt so completely normal and almost like we had never been apart.
I have to say through, the roads this morning were pretty terrifying. Really busy traffic heading into Paris and not much room for little old me. I was seriously stressed.
A pretty amusing incident though.
I’d reached the crest of a hill, completely on the grass verge and a small white car pulls up in front of me. Two guys get out and start walking towards me (stay calm and keep walking I think), one of the guys then pulls out his ‘Gendarme’ (police) badge (again, stay calm).
“Why are you here with a baby?” Clearly family welfare is pretty high up the list of priorities which is a positive! Anyway, after explaining what I was up to, they were really lovely and even offered to give Bob and I a lift! I politely declined and carried on.
It’s a while since I’ve had an encounter with the police and actually never with plain clothed police officers, there’s a first for everything.
A lovely quiet countryside lane (didn’t dare get my camera out before due to busy roads).
Bring on the pavements!