#Day92 Over 2,000km!

Les Ormes to Chatellerault – 23km
19C and beautiful
Terrain: mostly flat country roads.

Today started super well, the lady running the B&B made me fresh crepes for breakfast, hmmm.

Created with Nokia Smart Cam






It’s been another beautiful day and a shorter distance too, bonus. I don’t feel too guilty in the end as the legs needed it.

And…another milestone, I passed the 2,000km mark today! It’s funny because I was saying the other day that these distance markers are all just numbers now but actually these milestones do make you reflect and think about where you started and the journey so far.

Almost three months ago now I was having to muddle my way through trying to speak some Polish! It feels like it was just yesterday and a lifetime ago at the same time. So many new experiences. I also try to think about the core reason for the doing this every day, the plight of refugees.

So how did I celebrate? Crepe (galette actually) and ice cream, woohoo!

And, to keep the tradition going (see 1,000km post), a jumping photo with Bob!








More from today…

Cycle path 🙂 and a beautiful sky

























Chatellerealt is pretty so I sat in a square just watching the world go by and thinking, lovely really.





























Tomorrow I head towards Poitiers. I’ve never been there before (or not that I can remember) so looking forward to it.

Once again, I feel so much love and support from the people around me. I am so incredibly lucky to have such amazingly wonderful family and friends. I wouldn’t be here without your amazing support and encouragement. Thank you!

3 thoughts on “#Day92 Over 2,000km!

  1. bravo pour ton 2000 ème kilomètre!
    quelles belles villes tu traverses
    je t’embrasse

  2. Wow!! Don’t know what to say it is such an amazing achievement. So incredibly proud of you and your determination for such a worthwhile cause. Words fail to do it justice really. Keep going my darling I am with you all the way.
    Love you so very much. Mum xxxx

    PS How did you jump that high??

  3. Wow Viv you never cease to amaze us all.
    It is hard to believe you have run over 2000km – difficult to get my head around (she says reclining in her sofa!)
    Thinking of you

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