Terrain: roads
Well, today ended up being shorter than expected but after a rough night and what feels like my body fighting a virus (please stay away!), I decided to drag myself out and then convince the body and achy limbs to come along too. It’s crazy what a difference it makes when you’re a little under the weather. Thinking of the amazing messages of support that I’m receiving really helps to focus on progress though.
So, when I started out I only had 12km in mind but ended up adding 10 onto it so I’m quite pleased with that in the end. It’s all about the little goals!
The last bit today was between 2 towns and was paved, how civilised!
I’ve been following a train line from Valencia to Xativa so when I arrived in Carcaixent, I took a few pics and then took the train to Xativa.
Not for me! Shocking!
Xativa is lovely. Little streets with lovely boutiques and what looks like amazing food.
I will be heading back to Carcaixent tomorrow morning. Think I might have a Bob-less day tomorrow, head to another train station and then back here by train. Sorry Bob.
Then a rest day 🙂